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When your rooms require extra heat, Power is the ideal solution. This feature is available for the models Mosaico, Nature (Ribes, Camelia and Salice), Spekkio, Trama and Wall. Power produces more heat without changing the aesthetic appearance of these radiators, thanks to the greater depth of the diffuser grill at the top of the radiator. This feature is ideal for situations where more heat is required without increasing the space occupied by the radiator.
BASE PAINTING | Bianco RAL 9010 lucido |
RAL STANDARD COLOURS | avorio chiaro Ral 1015 lucidoavorio chiaro Ral 1015 opacobeige grigio Ral 1019 lucidobianco crema Ral 9001 lucidobianco crema Ral 9001 opacobianco perla Ral 1013 lucidobianco perla Ral 1013 opacobianco Ral 9010 opacogrigio platino Ral 7036 lucidogrigio quarzo Ral 7039 lucidogrigio seta Ral 7044 lucidomarrone pallido Ral 8025 lucidonero profondo Ral 9005 lucidonero profondo Ral 9005 opacoviola pastello Ral 4009 lucido |
METALLIC COLOURS | antracite metallizzatobronzo metallizzatogrigio lucegrigio polverenero metallizzato |
ANODIC COLOURS | Bronzo anodicgrafite anodicGrigio scuro anodicnero anodicOro perla anodicSabbia anodic |
GALVANICH FINISHES | acciaio inoxbronzocanna di fucilecromocromo satinatoorooro mattrame |
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